Shield Reel by Sledders Inc. Developed for Snowmobilers

Shield Reel

Sledders Inc has set out to invent and produce the high-quality snowmobile gear and apparels at lowest prices ever to enjoy and stay safe and protected. Sledders Inc is a Rangley which is based in Maine, an extreme gear manufacturing company that specializes in offering to snowmobile. During the winter months, this company provides the best standard warm and innovative gears for the snowmobilers with great experience. All the products are mainly designed by the snowmobilers.

Description of the Shield Reel Product

The gear is compact and durable. It is made with an industrial carbon fiber-based resin that is mounted to the helmet with the 3M adhesive. The unit has the retractable cord that is plugged inside the snowmobile. The Shield Reel provides the direct power to the shield or your goggles without the chance of dangling the cords or shorting the electrical system. When you are not using, retract the cord neatly for the perfect storage. So, there is no losing the retractable cords. Now, you can know where the cord is located. So, there are the best gears for the snowmobilers. They are best during the winter months.

Benefits of Using the Shield Reel

When you use the Shield Reel, you can eliminate some of the factors like-

  1. There is no broken shield cord input in gear. As the snowmobiler, you can use the cord when possible without the tension of being broken down.
  2. There is no chance of stolen cords; they will be remaining exactly in the same position where you have tied them.
  3. The use of the Shield Reel will eliminate forgetting your cords as you will always see them when you are wearing the gear.
  4. Using this gear will eliminate the chance to buy multiple cords for the use. One cord will last longer, and you will not have to buy several ones in this case.
  5. With the use of Shield Reel, there is no excessive cord hanging. Only one cord will be sufficient in the functioning.
  6. This gear also eliminates the blowing fuses in the snowmobile.

These are some of the reasons why the snowmobilers use this gear during the winter months.

Why You Require The Shield Reel?

This gear is a must for the snowmobilers who are very serious about the usage of the gear and who are tired of using the traditional ways of connecting the cord to the sled. Sledders Inc is the first company that reduces the ‘Cord dellema’. The shield Reel is tested through various ways like – 30-degree temp. In this extreme temperature too, this reel works flawlessly. As like the defrosters are important for the car, the shield reel is also important for maintaining safety and security.

The special added benefit is that the Shield Reel is manufactured in the US. The Sledders Inc is manufacturing Shield Reel and apparels to the customers. Each one of the product goes through testing before they come in the market. Keep on enjoying Sledders Inc products.